Reason Sunday Igboho was released, Counsel Revealed.

Posted by Onome Naomi  

Mr. Yomi Alliyu, a counsel to Yoruba Nation agitator, Sunday Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho, has said his client was released on health grounds.

The pioneer of Oduduwa Republic was released by the Government of Republic of Benin on Monday after about 231 days in detention.

Shortly after the release, Alliyu told Vanguard that the agitator was released to attend to his health in a Beninese hospital.

Alliyu said: “Igboho has not been released, he was only released to be taken to the hospital.
“The last time we spoke, I told you that we are making arrangements to take care of his health. So, he was released on health grounds.”

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